Cookie policy inform you:


We use cookies to make our website easier and user-friendly. Cookies are small pieces of data that allow us to compare new and past visitors and understand how users browse our website. We use the data collected through cookies to make the browsing experience more pleasant and more efficient in the future.

Cookies do not record any personal information about a user and any identifiable data obtained will not be kept on file. If you want to disable the use of cookies, you must customise the settings on your computer, choosing to delete all cookies or activating a warning message when cookies are stored. To proceed without changing the application of cookies, simply continue browsing the website.

Visit the dedicated section on the website of the Privacy Guarantor for more information about cookies and how they affect your browsing experience.

The types of cookie we use

Required cookies
These cookies are essential in order to enable you to browse the website and make full use of its features, such as access to the various protected areas of the website. Without these cookies it would not be possible for use to provide certain necessary services, such as filling out the form for a contest.

Performance cookies
These cookies collect information about how users browse a website, for example, what are the most visited pages and if you are receiving error messages from web pages. These cookies do not collect information that identifies a visitor. All information collected by cookies are aggregated and therefore anonymous. The information is used only to improve the performance of a website.
By browsing our website, you agree that these cookies may be installed on your device.

Function cookies
These cookies allow the website to keep track of the choices made by the user (such as the name, the language or region of origin) and provide advanced personalised features. These cookies can also be used to track changes to the text size, font and other parts of web pages that are customisable. They can also be used to provide services that you have requested, such as to watch videos or review comments on a blog. The information gathered from these types of cookies can be made anonymous and prevent monitoring of your browsing activity on other websites.
By browsing our website, you agree that these cookies may be installed on your device.

How to delete Cookies

Cookies are used to store personal information; however, you can always delete them. Most common web browsers allow the user to delete cookies by user command or automatically when you quit the browser. You can also configure your web browser to block the creation of cookies, though we may not be able to provide the service offered if you choose to do so.

Google Analytics/Yandex Metrica

This website uses Google Analytics or Yandex Metrica, two web analysis services provided by Google Inc. (‘Google’) and Yandex respectively. These services use ‘cookies’, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyse how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your anonymous IP address) will be transmitted to and stored on the servers of third-party providers. Providers will use this information for the purpose of reviewing your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Providers may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law or where such third parties process the information on Providers' behalf. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, but please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Third Party Providers in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

For more information on Google Analytics click here.
For more information on Yandex Metrics click here. (english).

Google Adwords, Bing Advertising, Facebook Advertising
This site may use, in a non-constant manner, the advertising and remarketing tools of Google Adwords, Bing Advertising, Facebook Advertising that allow the same and publish personalised ads based on user visits. For this reason, some pages of the site may include a code called ‘remarketing code’. This code makes it possible to read and configure the browser's cookies in order to determine which type of ad to show to the user, depending on the data relating to the user's visit to the site, such as the navigation circuit chosen, the pages actually visited or the actions performed within them. The remarketing lists thus created are stored in a database on the servers of the relevant networks in which all the IDs of the cookies associated with each list or category of interest are stored. In addition, some pages may include a conversion tracking code: a statistics service that links the data from the individual ad networks Google AdWords, Bing Advertising, Facebook Advertising with the actions performed within this site.

For more information on Google Adwords visitthis page.
For more information on Remarketing di Google visit,this page.
For more information on Bing Advertising visit this page.
For more information on Facebook Advertising visit this page.

Your authorisation to collect and store data can be revoked at any time.
You can disable the use of cookies by Google, Bing and Facebook through the specific settings options of your browser.

For Embedded Content (i.e. all video players from social video networks, widgets, social buttons in general):
This site may use content from Youtube, Vimeo, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Google+, Skype, Pinterest and Instagram, widgets or elements to interact with individual social networks and embeddable content on a non-constant basis as needed.

For more information on the cookie policies of the third parties mentioned:
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Youtube
- Google+
- Vimeo
- Pinterest
- Instagram
- LinkedIn
- Skype

For flash elements - Flash Cookies
This site may use, on a non-constant basis, Adobe Flash Player to deliver certain content, such as videos or animations. In order to improve your browsing experience, we use Local Shared Objects (more commonly known as ‘Flash cookies’) to remember your settings and preferences. These cookies are stored on your computer or mobile device, but are managed through a different interface than the one provided by your browser. Therefore, it is not possible to manage Flash cookies with the browser, but the Flash management tools must be accessed directly from the Adobe website ( The Adobe website provides comprehensive information on how to delete or disable Flash cookies. The Adobe website provides information on how to remove or disable Flash cookies. Please note that restricting and/or deleting the use of Flash cookies may affect the functions available for applications based on Flash technology.
For more information visit this page.


This site may use fonts from the Google Fonts service.
For information about cookies please this page.

This site may use, on a non-constant basis, the AddThis service which also allows you to share articles from the website via social platforms. AddThis may transmit information to third parties if required to do so by law or if such third parties process this information on AddThis' behalf. We have no control over the use of data by AddThis and/or third parties.

AddThis may refer to various social platform providers, each of which has its own privacy policy. AddThis is a persistent cookie.

For more information visit this page.